Saturday, February 2, 2008

Playing Favorites

What is your favorite color?

That is one of the most common questions that people ask. It is a relatively safe, simple inquiry throught which we attempt to get a better grasp of the person that we happen to be stuck with.
Blue seems to an almost equally common answer. Blue is used in many advertisements, with the general purpose of luring in and creating soothing, positive associations within the person that is looking. However, blue is also used in commercials for depression treating drugs to impress upon the viewer feelings of cold, bleakness, and despair. I cannot get past my own prejudices against the color blue; I find it to be distasteful in almost every shade unless mixed with another color.
Blue has come to symbolize mediocrity: a color for someone with no imagination and without the ability to look anywhere but skyward, ignoring all of the other wonderful colors around them.
Green is my color of choice. When I think of green I am always reminded of spring, when everything is more alive. Green always calls to mind the new shoots of grass, forests thick with leaves, and the running water of the river I grew up near. It also brings to mind slightly more incongruent and abstract things: new possibilites, laughter, and joy. Green surpasses the description afforded to colors. It is a scent, a taste, a feeling, a specific sound (like that of music, rain, and birds chirping).
In choosing our favorite, we are all making a small declaration about which color causes us this synesthesia; capturing all of our senses in the most positive of ways.

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